
RT-PCR: The Gold Standard in COVID-19 Testing

The COVID era may be the first time in history when the general public is widely exposed to laboratory terms like PCR, RT-PCR, antigen, and antibody. From a laboratorian’s perspective, seeing these important techniques gain wider awareness in the public is one...

How Physical Activity Impacts Your Cognitive Health

Participating in regular physical activity is good for your body as well as your mind. In fact, regular exercise is associated with improved cognitive function. Furthermore, exercise can improve mood and sleep and reduce stress and anxiety.  There are three primary...

intermittent fasting

Intermittent Fasting and Cognitive Health

Intermittent fasting has gained popularity in the media in recent years, touting multiple benefits from improved metabolism and weight loss to decreased risk of many diseases. The good news is that the science behind intermittent fasting supports many of these...

genetics atheletics

Can Genetics Predict Athleticism?

In recent years, the field of sports and performance genetics has grown. We now understand that athletic ability is a combination of genetic predisposition and training, and knowledge of these genetic predispositions plays a vital role in an athlete’s success. ...

obesity gene

FTO: The Obesity Gene

What is the link between obesity and genetics? In 2007, the FTO gene was discovered to be related to obesity susceptibility and is the most important genetic contributor to obesity. The FTO gene is highly expressed in the hypothalamus, a region in the brain...

ace actn3

Is Athleticism Genetic?

It’s fascinating to see how the most elite athletes prepare and train for their sport of choice. While specific diet and exercise plans play an important role, it’s also becoming more apparent that genetics is an important factor in athletic performance. A 2018...